Luggage transportation

Baggage transportation Norms of baggage transportation.

Hand luggage - 7 kg (not more than 55x40x20 cm).

Luggage - 25 kg (summation of 203 cm 3 dimensions /length-height-width/).

The cost of 1 kg outside the norm is 4 euros.

Children aged 2 to 12, like adult passengers, are provided with a free check-in baggage allowance of 25 kg + hand luggage - 7 kg.

Infant under 2 years of age: Baggage - 10 kg.


In addition to the prescribed amount of hand luggage, you can carry the following items in addition, if they are with the passenger and are not included in the baggage:

  • women's bag/men's bag,
  • folder,
  • umbrella,
  • cane,
  • bouquet,
  • outerwear
  • laptop computer, camera,
  • print publications for in-flight reading,
  • baby food for the child during the flight,
  • baby crib when carrying the baby,
  • a suit in a plaid,
  • Mobile phone,
  • crutches, folding walkers,
  • bag with purchases from the Duty Free store.

The mentioned items are not submitted for weighing, are not subject to registration and are not taged with labels.

Due to security requirements, all baggage carried by a passenger, including cabin baggage, must be presented at check-in.