Cargo transportation

Cargo transportation

"SHIRAK AVIA" provides a cargo service.

For the registration and shipment of your cargo by the required route you should apply to the cargo agent of the Air Company at your city airport.


Heavy-weight cargo transportation

Heavy-weight cargo is the cargo that has a mass of more than 80 kilos. The maximum permitted mass of one place of heavy-weight cargo depends on the aircraft type (the maximum permitted specific load for half of the luggage carrier of the aircraft), the capacities of the departure and destination airports.

The container of the heavy-weight cargo should be calculated for the load that is equal to the cargo tonnage taking into account the overload factor.

The terms of heavy-weight cargo transport can be clarified with "SHIRAK AVIA" cargo transportation sales agent in your city.


Perishable cargo transportation

Perishable cargo is phytogenic or animal products, their processed products, live plants and other cargo that require special conditions of storage and transportation. The perishable cargo are divided into the following groups:

  1. phytogenic products: fruit, berries, vegetables, etc.; 
  2. products of animal origin: animal meat and poultry, fish, frozen and bloated, eggs, caviar, etc; 
  3. processed products: oil, fat, frozen  fruit and vegetable, sausage products, cheese, etc.; 
  4. live fish stocking material: tiny fishes, underyearling, etc.
  5. stored blood, vaccines, biological medicine, etc.; 
  6. live plants, flowers, planting stock, tubers, seeds.


The Air Company accepts perishable goods for transportation in case the following rules are observed: 

  1. transportation or export/import of the cargo is not prohibited by the laws and normative acts of the import/export country; 
  2. the cargo is packaged in a way that is fit for transportation by AC; 
  3. the cargo is accompanied by the required transportation documents; 
  4. the cargo will not harm the AC, the air carriers staff or property, and will not disturb the passengers either.


Consignor's responsibility

The consignor is responsible for: 

  • provision of true information on perishable cargo; 
  • timely obtainment of all the required permissions and certificates for the import/export of the cargo, the quarantine certificate; 
  • handing in the duly packed cargo for transportation and not creating security risks during loading/unloading, as well as during transportation; 
  • marking of goods; 
  • provision of reliable information on the consignor and the consignee.

Special conditions

  • During the perishable cargo transportation that includes dry ice, special conditions are applied since dry ice is ranked among the dangerous cargo. 
  • Perishable cargo is accepted for transportation only after being agreed with the Air Company beforehand (no later than 48 hours before the flight), for that purpose you may apply to the cargo transportations sales agent in your city. 
  • Perishable cargo is not accepted for transportation if its contents are not in a good state and the Air Company cannot guarantee that the cargo can reach the final destination in a satisfactory state. 
  • Documents certifying the quality of the cargo should be issued by an authorized competent body of healthcare no later than 24 hours before handing the cargo for transportation and they should be presented by the consignor separately per each cargo delivery.

The maximum time limits for air transportation should be indicated in the documents certifying the quality of the perishable goods. The Air Company may refuse transportation of perishable cargo or return it to the consignor if it cannot guarantee its delivery within the indicated time period.

Other cargo transportation

Cargo 200 transportation

Human remains in coffins, urns with ashes, as well as animal remains in boxes that meet the sanitary norms security requirements are accepted for air transportation.

Air transportation of human remains is performed in case the consignor presents a certificate of death issued by the Civil Registry Office and a certificate from a healthcare body stating that they have no objections to the human remains transportation.

Animal remains transportation, too is performed in case the consignor presents a certificate from a veterinary establishment.

Transportation is performed with an escort.

The urns with ashes may be transported both in luggage and cargo compartment and in the aircraft cabin (in a form of a cargo or baggage) upon presenting the death certificate, certificates from healthcare bodies and veterinary establishments.

The official seeing-off, greeting ceremonies and ceremonies of loading and unloading the coffins of the dead persons onboard of the AC are prohibited.

Additional information on the transportation conditions and payment process may be obtained from the cargo agent in your city.