Lost luggage

In case you did not receive your baggage upon arrival to the destination airport, you should immediately contact the airport personnel.

The Air Company guarantees the search of the baggage within 21 days of the baggage being declared lost. As soon as your baggage is found and sent to the destination airport, the employees in charge will contact you.

Phone: +374 41 808-115

If the checked-in baggage was not found within 21 days after the declaration on not receiving the baggage is submitted, the passenger is entitled to demand a compensation for the loss of the checked-in baggage. Written claims are addressed to the General Director of Air Company "SHIRAK AVIA" LLC and are reviewed within the time limits stipulated by the legislation. Decision on monetary compensation and its amount are taken based on the provisions contained in the RA Air Code, Warsaw Convention and the General Transportation Rules of "SHIRAK AVIA".